
Your teeth are under constant attack. Your diet contains acids that can attack the enamel in your smile, and the bacteria in plaque interacts with sugar to create acid as well. Our dentist, Dr. Christopher Di Turi, may want to see you for an appointment to discuss MI Paste® in Shrewsbury, New Jersey.

MI Paste is used to counter the effects of those acids, sugars and plaque that can contribute to tooth decay and other health issues. The paste is similar to toothpaste and is applied directly to the surfaces of your teeth. It helps to rebuild the minerals in your tooth enamel and strengthen your smile. MI Paste can also be used to boost saliva production to offset the effects of dry mouth, reduce tooth sensitivity and prevent cavities. If you are expecting, you may be experiencing an increase in the acids in your mouth, and our dentist may recommend this treatment for you.

MI Paste is extremely easy to use. Dr Di Turi or Dr. will provide you with trays designed to fit your teeth perfectly. After you brush your teeth, you simply place a small amount of the paste in the trays and leave it in place for three minutes or as directed by our dentist. You can also simply swab the paste over your teeth. Visit our office to learn more!


New smiles are welcome!